A masterpiece of Mother Nature’s handiwork, the 27-foot-tall natural bridge has been artfully weathered from solid sandstone by water, seeping from the bluff; and by winds coming up from the valley below. This “bridge” started out being part of the bluff-line, but over time, the entire rock formation has migrated away from the bluff, slowly sliding downhill. The unusual nature of the Natural Bridge made this a popular tourist attraction, beginning in the 1870s, when the nearby University of the South was founded.
To access the Sewanee Natural Bridge, follow the box-step staircase downhill 150 fee from the parking area.
In and around Sewanee

Sewanee Natural Bridge
A remarkable natural sandstone arch, easily accessible via a 400-foot stair-stepped path from the parking lot. Access this adventure from the Lost Cove North Trailhead.